EG4 Electronics

EG4® PowerPro ESS

UL 9540 certified

EG4’s versatile Energy Storage Systems (ESS) store energy from renewable sources for times of low availability, power loads during grid outages, and shift grid usage to off-peak hours (or peak shave). Additionally, they contribute to grid stability by smoothing out demand, reducing peak loads that strain the grid. Key components of an ESS include batteries, a Hybrid inverter, a solar charge controller, and solar panels, alongside Balance of System components like wires and fuses.  

EG4® PowerPro 18kPV WallMount All Weather ESS 

EG4® PowerPro 18kPV CAB LifePower4 ESS

EG4® PowerPro 18kPV CAB LL ESS




An Energy Storage System (ESS) is a collection of batteries, inverter(s) and other components that allow the storage of energy for later use. The term is most often used in conjunction with on-grid systems with batteries but could also be applied to off-grid systems. 

Many jurisdictions require UL9540. To get this certification, the battery and inverter must pass stringent safety tests as a pair with specific configurations. An EG4 ESS is one that has been independently certified to pass these requirements using batteries and hybrid inverters. Even if your jurisdiction does not require a UL9540, choosing a UL9540 system gives you the peace of mind that the components have been tested by an independent lab to assure they work safely together.


Each system will be different, but the primary components of an ESS will include batteries, a hybrid inverter, a solar charge controller (usually bundled in the inverter) and solar panels. However, there will be many other smaller components (known as the balance of system) that are required to set up a system properly and safely. This can include things like wires, conduit, solar panel mounting hardware, switches, and fuses. 


An ESS can store energy from many different sources. The most common source of energy stored by an ESS is solar, but any form of energy could be used in the system including renewable energy (solar power, wind power, hydro power), generator, grid, etc. An EG4 ESS is designed with a focus on energy from solar and the grid, as well as AC coupling (generators). 


There are several reasons to install an Energy Storage System (ESS). One reason is to store energy generated from solar or other renewable sources for times when the primary source is unavailable. Another benefit is to power loads during grid outages, ensuring continuity of electricity supply. Additionally, an ESS enables the shifting of grid usage to off-peak hours, a practice known as peak shaving, which helps balance demand and alleviate strain on the grid during peak periods. Moreover, by facilitating the redistribution of grid usage to off-peak hours, the system contributes to grid stability by smoothing out demand fluctuations and reducing the occurrence of peak loads that the grid may struggle to accommodate. 


Yes, depending on how the system is configured. An ESS can be optimized for load shifting, grid failures or a balance of both. 


Yes. An ESS uses a hybrid inverter that is grid interactive, so it can be programmed to sell back to the grid at any time. Depending on the net metering program available for your utility, this can make a lot of sense financially. 


Yes, you can add your existing system to certified EG4 ESS and classify it as EG4 ESS system. Please contact our technical support for more information.


EG4 system is designed for scalability. You can always add more batteries and inverters in the near future as your energy needs grows and classify your system as certified.