EG4 Electronics

New AC Couple and Three-Phase Features of the EG4 6000XP 

EG4 6000xp

The EG4 6000XP All-In-One Off-Grid Inverter has just received a significant firmware update, expanding its capabilities to offer even more flexibility and efficiency for off-grid and backup power solutions. With the latest update, this inverter is now equipped with advanced features that enhance its performance and adaptability in a variety of energy scenarios. Let’s dive into the exciting new features and optimizations that make the EG4 6000XP stand out. 

New Features 

Here’s a closer look at the key features of this update. 

AC Couple Function  

The addition of an AC couple function allows the EG4 6000XP to integrate seamlessly with existing grid-tied systems. This feature is particularly beneficial for users looking to enhance their current solar setup without overhauling their existing infrastructure. By coupling AC, users can store excess energy in batteries and use it during grid outages or high-demand periods. 

120V/208V Three-Phase Option for EPS Voltage 

The new firmware introduces a 120V/208V three-phase option for Emergency Power Supply (EPS) voltage, providing enhanced flexibility for various off-grid applications. This feature is ideal for users with higher power needs, such as small businesses or larger residential setups, allowing them to benefit from three-phase power distribution. 

Smart Load Function  

The new smart load function optimizes power usage by prioritizing critical loads and managing power distribution effectively. This feature ensures that essential appliances receive power during limited supply periods, maximizing energy efficiency and battery life. 

120V Grid and Gen Charge Function  

The 120V grid and gen charge function enables the inverter to charge from a 120V grid, but with the requirement that it only connects to L1-N 120V grid and load. This feature is designed to increase compatibility with different grid setups, making it easier for users to manage their energy storage systems efficiently. 

Phase Sequence Adaptive Function for Three-Phase Parallel Operation  

The phase sequence adaptive function simplifies the setup and operation of three-phase systems. It ensures that phase sequences are automatically adjusted for optimal performance in three-phase parallel operations, significantly reducing installation complexity and potential errors. 

Enhanced Optimizations 

The firmware update also brings several optimizations that improve the overall performance and reliability of the EG4 6000XP.  

  • Enhanced AC Input/Output Reverse Connection Detection: This optimization provides better safety and protection against incorrect wiring, reducing the risk of damage to the inverter and connected devices. 
  • Improved BUS Voltage Management: Adjustments to BUS voltage management help prevent high voltage issues when the battery is fully charged, protecting the system and prolonging battery life. 
  • Optimized Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) Detection: The update enhances AFCI detection, improving safety by quickly identifying and responding to electrical faults. 
  • Refined Neutral to Protective Earth (N-PE) Detection: Improved N-PE detection increases the safety and reliability of the inverter, ensuring it meets the highest standards of electrical safety. 
  • Better BUS Balance Adjustment: This optimization balances the BUS voltage more effectively, enhancing performance in fluctuating conditions. 
  • Stabilized Internal Communication: The update addresses issues with internal communication faults caused by high grid or generator frequencies, ensuring smoother operation and communication between components. 

Key Fixes 

Several fixes have been implemented to resolve known issues and enhance the inverter’s reliability.  

  • Resolved Parallel System Output Shutdowns: Fixed the occasional output shutdowns in parallel systems after a power outage, ensuring continuous operation in off-grid mode. 
  • Limited Charge Current in PV Mode: The update fixes occasional issues where the charge current could exceed limits when connected to AC charge in PV mode, protecting the batteries and inverter. 
  • Corrected Communication Address Reassignment: Issues with communication address reassignment when re-plugging parallel communication cables have been resolved, ensuring stable connections. 
  • Frequency Limits Adjusted: The upper frequency limit for mains has been adjusted to 65Hz, and the generator’s phase-locked frequency is now at 67Hz. This prevents the inverter from triggering protective measures during normal frequency fluctuations. 
  • Increased Rated Power Output: The rated power of the 100/200V output has been improved to 5500W, enhancing the inverter’s capacity to handle more significant loads. 

Experience Energy Independence with EG4’s 6000XP 

Whether you’re looking to expand your current solar setup, manage energy more efficiently, or ensure reliable power supply in various conditions, with these new capabilities the EG4 6000XP is your best powerful and adaptable choice. Upgrade to the latest firmware today and experience the next level of energy independence with EG4 Electronics. 

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Explore the new AC couple and 120V/208V three-phase features of the EG4 6000XP, enhancing off-grid flexibility.

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